Haunted Locations You Can Visit in All 50 States
For when you need a more immersive haunting experience.
2023-11-23 04:47

On Halloween, some states take extra safety measures to keep sex offenders away from kids
Some cities and states impose extra measures on Halloween to make sure sex offenders don't come in contact with trick-or-treaters.
2023-10-31 03:24

These Last-Minute Halloween Deals From Amazon Are Your Chance to Save Big on Costumes, Horror Movies, and More
From top-rated costumes to horror movies from Shout Factory, these last-minute Halloween deals on Amazon can help you save—and keep things spooky.
2023-10-28 05:52

400 lb Taylor Swift Pumpkin Not What the Founding Fathers Had in Mind When They Invented Halloween
Here's a 400-pound pumpkin that looks like Taylor Swift.
2023-10-28 02:58

15 Great Family-Friendly Halloween Movies to Watch This Year
The best Halloween movies for kids are ones that also don't bore the adults.
2023-10-28 00:28

10 Regional Names for the Night Before Halloween
Whether you call it Mischief Night, Devil's Night, or something else, it all means one thing: wanton destruction of property.
2023-10-27 03:25

12 Facts About Día de los Muertos
In Latin America, el Día de los Muertos is a celebration of life and death, and an invitation for the deceased to return home once again to those who love them.
2023-10-25 22:29

The Smart—and Scientific—Reason Freddy Krueger’s Sweater Is Red- and Green-Striped
Wes Craven didn’t intend for his classic horror film villain to look like he was headed to a Christmas party.
2023-10-24 04:46

Map Shows Local Versions of The Boogeyman From Around the World
From Kelpie to Krampus, get to know these boogeymen (and boogeywomen) from different countries.
2023-10-21 05:24

Do Scarecrows Actually Work?
Scare crows may deter crows and blackbirds, but you'll have to make some modifications for them to really work.
2023-10-21 04:47

4 Eco-Friendly Ways to Dispose of Halloween Pumpkins
Looking for something to do with your rotting Jack-O'-Lanterns? Here are some tips for recycling, upcycling, and responsibly disposing of old Halloween pumpkins.
2023-10-21 01:53

Why Ryan Reynolds won't be dressed as Deadpool this Halloween
Boooooo to not seeing our favorite stars trick or treat us by dressing as Marvel characters or Ken and Barbie.
2023-10-20 23:59